Registered Scottish Landlord registration number 84553/230/27520
Registered Scottish Landlord registration number 84553/230/27520
Registered Scottish Landlord registration number 84553/230/27520
Calton Hill which looks over Edinburgh at the East end of Princes Street was developed in the 1830’s to plans by William Playfair. He designed some of Edinburgh’s grandest houses along its three terraces, and in between provided mews for them where grooms had their quarters, stables and carriage garages.
Carlton Terrace Mews is now residential with charming cottages on four sides and cobbled paving and a communal garden of grass and shrubs in the middle. It seems so quiet and secluded it’s hard to believe you are not in a country village.
This is a secluded place ideal for families and a great base for exploring Edinburgh. If you are feeling really energetic you can run down into Holyrood Park, past the Palace and Scottish Parliament and up Salisbury Craggs and on to Arthur’s Seat – a capital city wilderness experience.
Or you can walk among the Georgian monuments on Calton Hill, or stroll directly down to Princes Street in less than 10 minutes.
Registered Scottish Landlord registration number 84553/230/27520
Registered Scottish Landlord registration number 84553/230/27520